If you did not use your entire virtual card balance for an order, rest assured your remaining installments will be adjusted within 13 days of your order date and before your 2nd installment is drafted.
The adjustment will apply to the last (4th) installment on the order and work backward from there until the full adjustment is applied. Below is an example which details exactly how this process works.
You load your Zip virtual card with $300, but you end up only spending $150 on your order. However, in your Zip app you still see installment amounts that reflect the virtual card total ($300), and not what you actually spent ($150):
- $75 (plus finance charge) paid at the time of purchase
- $75 (plus finance charge)
- $75 (plus finance charge)
- $75 (plus finance charge)
As mentioned, within 13 days you will see this difference automatically adjusted on your order, prior to your 2nd installment date. The adjustment will be applied to the last (4th) installment on the order and work backward from there. Your adjusted installments would look like this:
- $75 (plus finance charge) paid at time of purchase
- $75 (plus finance charge)
- $0 adjusted
- $0 adjusted
Please note: Refunds may take longer with some merchants, but will never exceed 21 days.