Spending power is the estimated amount you have left to spend on Zip app orders, if approved. Spending power varies from customer to customer and can change over time. At this time, this process cannot be manually overridden to increase or decrease your spending power. Your spending power is not guaranteed and may be adjusted for a variety of reasons:
Late or Unpaid Orders
It’s important to build a good repayment history by consistently making on-time payments. This can help keep your account in good standing. We’ve introduced a new way to increase your spending power by paying off a streak of 5 app orders on-time or early. Learn more about that here.
Length of Time as a Customer
We value all of our customers no matter how long you’ve been with us, but it helps to build up a good repayment history over time!
External Factors
Factors, such as the current economic climate, can impact our customers’ spending power.
Your spending power is not an open line of credit. Each transaction is separately reviewed for approval. For additional details, please see the terms and conditions.