Occasionally, you might notice what appears to be a duplicate charge for a Zip order that was successfully placed. Rest assured, you have not been charged multiple times. Take a look below to learn more:
If you successfully place a Zip order and it’s immediately followed by an unsuccessful Zip order attempt, this could cause what appears to be a duplicate charge.
If Zip’s system is unable to successfully capture the funds to cover your first installment, and then succeeds soon after, this could cause what appears to be a duplicate charge.
Keep in mind that duplicate pending charges typically drop off within two business days, but may occasionally take up to 13 days.
Please note: Refunds may take longer with some merchants, but will never exceed 21 days.
Why was I charged for an order that I canceled or did not complete?
Similar to duplicate charges, you will not be charged by Zip for an order that was canceled or that you did not complete. Take a look below to learn more:
If multiple purchase requests are made, even if there is not a successful Zip order placed, this could cause what appears to be a pending charge.
Keep in mind that pending charges for canceled or incomplete orders typically drop off within two business days, but may occasionally take up to 13 days.
Please note: Refunds may take longer with some merchants, but will never exceed 21 days.
If you notice a pending charge that fully posts to your account, please contact Zip's support team and we would be happy to look into the charges further.