Your recent activity might have caused a declined transaction or put your account on hold. This could resolve by itself, but meanwhile, transactions may not work.
Please ensure you do not fall under any of the below categories:
- Inactive payment card / insufficient funds available - Check that the payment method you're using is active and has funds available.
- VPN - If you're using a VPN, try turning off your VPN and reconnecting.
- Too many recent transaction attempts - If you've made a high number of recent transaction attempts, you may need to wait 24 hours before trying again.
- Verification issues - We may be having trouble verifying your identity. Check your email. If you received a verification request from Zip, make sure you complete it.
- Payment Date Change - If you've recently changed your payment date, your account will be on hold until your next installment is paid, meaning you won't be able to make any purchases in that timeframe.