To start the refund process, contact the merchant where you made your purchase. The merchant will authorize and initiate the refund. Once the merchant notifies us of the refund, our system will process the refund within 13 days. This will occur automatically and you’ll receive an email from Zip once the refund is processed. Zip is unable to speed up this process.
How Refunds Work in Zip’s System
Refunds are applied starting from the last installment:
- If you have unpaid installments, the refund reduces your remaining balance.
- If you have paid all installments, the refund goes back to your original payment method.
Full Refunds
- Unpaid installments are canceled and your balance is reduced.
- Paid installments are refunded to your original payment method.
Partial Refunds
- Refunds are applied to installments starting from the final installment until the refund amount is exhausted.
- If all installments are paid, the refund goes back to your original payment method.
- If installments are unpaid, the refund reduces your balance. Any remaining refund amount is returned to your original payment method.
You placed an online order for $200 and paid Zip $50 for the first installment at the time of purchase. You decide to return $175 worth of merchandise via mail a few days later, using the merchant’s return policy. Once the merchant has received and processed the return, they’ll alert Zip and we’ll automatically refund you by canceling your remaining three installments, totaling $150, and the remaining balance of $25 will be refunded to your payment method.